Tuesday, January 9, 2007

The Chinese are coming to Africa!

The China-Africa summit in 2006 was an indication that China needs resources and Africa is still being used for it's minerals. The Europeans in the past 400 years have been the conquistadors and robbers...Today we have the Chinese. I have to add that the Chinese are in no ways the same as our past European masters.

For the sake of dialogue I would say the Chinese are what I would call the worst of two evils. As Africans what we require is growth! Growth in infrastructure, healthcare, and telecommunications. Unlike the Europeans I think we can learn and adopt some of China's practices(obviously Human Rights isn't included). China is the only nation in our history to shift from being heavily dependent on Agriculture to a impressive Industrial state. This striking shift is what some would call a Paradigm Shift!

I'm going to give what I call my Proud African views on this Chinese investment in Africa.

1. China signed deals for infrastructure projects with low interest loans or grants. China is doing this partially because it requires good infrastructure in place, if it's going to take Africa's mineral resources back to Asia. Plus, the Chinese firms are going to be doing most of the engineering of Africa's infrastructure not the European or the Americans.

2. We can learn from China because it has been poor, and in some ways it is still a poor country in it's interior. If Africa is going to survive in needs partners from developing nations not Developed nations.

3. The Chinese are Hyper-capitalist and go where they see opportunity. They are investing in industries and sectors that our European masters wouldn't.

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