Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Green tech and internet in Benin

The Songhaï Center was founded in the mid-'80s by Father Godfrey Nzamujo, a Dominican priest and Nigerian native, on a few acres of swampland granted by Benin's former president. What began as an experiment in small-scale sustainable development to fight poverty has since become a popular institution, and a symbol of Africa's potential for self-determination and prosperity.


  1. Greetings. This is a great program towards realizing sovereignty again. Do you have a connection with this organization? Before I saw this, I had been in discussions with a brother from Ghana about creating the same type of program there. We are serious about this, and I would love to talk with you and or my family there in Benin. Please respond

  2. Hi Jules,

    No, I don't have a connection with the org.




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