Adleveo Capital is a Mauritius based Private Equity fund. It's main mission is to establish and capitalize on the growing demand for infrastructure and services in sub-Saharan Africa.
"All about Africa - a collection of innovative and sustainable ideas focused on a new entrepreneurial renaissance in Africa."
WAASPS offers flight training, light manufacturing, maintainence, and operations of small aircraft (ultralights). WAASPS is located at Kpong airfield in Eastern Region, 50km north of Tema. Kpong Field is a private airfield.
Inviragen, Inc. is committed to developing life-saving vaccines to protect against emerging infectious diseases worldwide. These vaccines will take advantage of new trends in the global vaccine marketplace including:
- Economic growth of developing countries
- New global vaccine initiatives by non-profit organizations
- A growing public awareness of the value of vaccines for existing and emerging infectious diseases
- The need for vaccines as protection against potential bioweapon threats
Investment Fund for Health in Africa
The Investment Fund for Health in Africa (IFHA) is a venture capital fund dedicated to small to medium size (equity) investments in private healthcare companies in (sub-Saharan) Africa. At IFHA, we invest in private healthcare
From site:
MAISHA(meaning "life" in Kiswahili) provides new screenwriters and film directors from East Africa (Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania and Rwanda) and South Asia (India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh) with access to the professional training and production resources necessary to articulate their visions. Maisha aims to preserve, cultivate and unleash local voices from these regions, and to become one of the first targeted programs to offer structured and accessible resources to these emerging filmmakers. MAISHA is motivated by the belief that a film which explores the truths and idiosyncrasies of the specifically local often has the power to cross over and become significantly universal.
The African Seed Trade Association arose out of a need to have a regional representative body for the seed industry, which could also serve to promote the development of private seed enterprises.
- To promote the use of improved quality seed,
- To strengthen communication with African seed industries and with the world,
- To facilitate establishment of national seed trade associations in Africa,
- To provide information to members,
- To interact with regional governments and NGO's involved in seed activities in order to promote the interests of the seed industry,
- To promote activities that lead to regulatory harmonization throughout Africa to facilitate movement of seed, and
- To develop a statistical database on African seed production and trade.
AEF 2009 will be held on Friday, March 27th and Saturday, March 28th at Columbia University in the City of New York.
The African Agriculture Technology Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation designed to facilitate and promote public/private partnerships for the access and delivery of appropriate proprietary agricultural technologies for use by resource-poor smallholder farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa.
The Foundation is a one-stop-shop that provides expertise and know-how that facilitates the identification, access, development, delivery and utilisation of proprietary agricultural technologies.
Credit Reference Bureau Limited (CRB) is an information solutions company. It uses the power of information to assist its subscribers to target prospective customers, manage existing trade relationships and identify opportunities for profitable growth.
CRB also provides factual credit, identity and location information to businesses – for example banks, credit card companies, finance institutions and commercial enterprise.- to assist them in making accurate and responsible decisions when companies or individuals apply for cash or goods and services on credit. CRB also helps creditors guard against fraud, which is a growing and serious problem that ultimately affects all consumers.
From Site:Africa In Demand™ the Televsion show was launched in June 2008 along with the Internet distribution network. Produced by Co Host Bisi Fagbohun along with Mavis Kubi bring issues ranging from entertainment, the arts, culture and current affairs affecting Africans on the continent and diaspora.
The Q Drum is a durable, donut shaped plastic container which when full holds 50 litres of water. Its uniqueness lies in the design of the longitudinal shaft or central hole, through which a rope is tied, to pull or roll the drum along all terrain types. Due to the low-density polyethylene it is made from, it is also practically indestructible and has no removable handles or other metal attachments that could detract from its intended purpose if lost or broken.The rope can be repaired on the spot or easily replaced by a leather thong, woven plant substance or any other appropriate material. In many rural areas around the world, even a hammer and nail are scarce commodities.
Africa Partners Medical (APM) is a group of American and African doctors, nurses and other health care professionals committed to improving medical care in Africa. The faculty of Africa Partners Medical includes physicians and nurses from Mayo Clinic, Scott and White Clinic, Harvard Medical School, Stanford University Medical Center, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, among others, who volunteer their time. Since 2000, APM has brought an annual medical education program to a total of more than 900 physicians, residents, nurses and emergency medical technicians in Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, and Mali.
The Highland Tea Company, LLC was founded by Watiri and Wanja Michuki, Kenyan mother and daughter, to wholesale and retail Kenyan specialty teas.
Watiri is a member of the small-scale farming community that collectively grows most of Kenya’s tea. She planted the first seedlings on her beautiful 30-acre tea garden (pictured below), which she affectionately called ‘Karurumo’- meaning 'Little Treasure' in the Kikuyu language. In 1991, she incorporated The Highland Tea Company in Kenya with a mission to grow and distribute only the finest premium teas and, in the process, provide her children with a solid education.
East Africa Capital Partners (EACP) is a technology, media and telecommunications sector focus venture capital fund Manager investing in the greater Eastern Africa region.
From the site:Tanzania captures the very essence of the African continent, and distills it into one country, an African Eden of natural riches and cultural wealth. Our country has inspired Hemingway and Livingstone, proudly given the word 'safari' to the global travel!