Tuesday, November 25, 2008

African Solutions to African problems - Video

As an African, it's proud to see and hear stories of African ingenuity. This video celebrates that spirit of enterprise, technology and ingenuity, while also taking a deeper look at the paradox of progress on the African continent.


  1. I found your web site through Ebony magazine and it is definitely worth the read.

    My hope is for Africa to develop into the prosperous continent that it should be and I will spread the word of this much needed web site.

    The descendents of Africans living in South and Central America need the same assistance and entrepreneurial education when it comes to changing the legacy that has been handed to them by those who are bent on destroying our fragile eco-systems for monetary gain.

    From what I’ve read you offer a wealth of information that is greatly needed.

  2. Divalocity thanks for the comment. The ethos of which Africa must live by has to be of sustainability. Without progressive, sustainable means of survival; Africa will not move forward!


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